Gentechnikfreie Creme fraiche aus pasteurisiertem Rahm mit 32% Fett, gesalzen
Crème Fraîche mit 32 % Fett, aus pasteurisiertem Rahm, gesalzen
Jeden Tag (every day) offers a range of high-quality products at a low price.
The extensive Jeden Tag product range comprises dairy products, basic foodstuffs, sausage products, drinks, ready meals and frozen products as well as household goods and pet food. And much more besides!
Our manufacturers are chosen carefully and according to strict criteria in order to ensure consistently high and, above all, reliable quality for our Jeden Tag products.
Our store finder will tell you where you can find Jeden Tag.
Jeden Tag organic – the delicious new alternative on the Jeden Tag shelf!
Jeden Tag variety is now also available for top quality organic products – and at very competitive prices!